
For DSL 6, two DSL phone filters are shipped with the modem. If the customer has more than 2 phones and needs additional filters, he can buy them at the price: $5.00 /filter. The purchased filters become the property of the customer, they do not have to be returned after the end of using the service


Installation DSL 6 installation is simple and does not require an on-site technician visit. The technician only connects the Internet to the lines in the telephone exchange or on the street. The customer himself connects the modem to the telephone socket, and the filters to all his telephones. We provide telephone assistance in case of any questions or difficulties during the installation.

  • fastest DSL 6 installation time: 4-5 working days.
  • one-time setup fee for DSL 6: $25.00

Installation of FTTN 10/15/25/50 and Cable 5/30/40/75 is also simple but requires an in-house technician visit. This results in a higher installation cost. The customer must be at home during the installation.

  • fastest installation time: 4-5 business days.
  • one-time setup fee: $50.00

The following one-time setup fees apply when you change your Internet or modem speed:

  • change from DSL 6 to FTTN 10/15/25/50: $50.00
  • change from FTTN 10 to FTTN 15: $25.00
  • change from FTTN 10/15 to FTTN 25/50: $50.00
  • change from FTTN 25 to FTTN 50: $25.00
  • all speed changes Cable: $25.00
  • cable modem replacement fee: $25.00

Changes in Internet speed may also require modem replacement (see modem compatibility with the new speed above).

DSL 6 Internet requires an existing home line with Bell Canada. In the absence of a telephone line, in order to connect the DSL 6 Internet to the customer’s home, you need to install the so-called. Dryloop. The customer must be at home when installing Dryloop.

  • Dryloop fee for DSL 6: $10.00/month.
  • one-time Dryloop installation fee: $25.00

Note: FTTN 10/15/25/50 and Cable 5/30/40/75 do not require a telephone line. There are no fees for Dryloop for FTTN 10/15/25/50. 

A router is mainly used when: (1) the client has more than one computer, or (2) the client wants to use a wireless Internet connection. Some modems (see modem table above) have a built-in wireless (wi-fi) router. Those that do not, however, can work with an external wireless router purchased additionally by the customer in any store with electronic equipment. The external router should be secured (wireless security set) so that strangers cannot wirelessly connect to it and abuse the Internet.

Programming the router is not very complicated, but it is not trivial either. We suggest the help of a computer expert in programming the router, because a well-programmed and secured router will not cause problems when using the Internet.

At the customer’s request, we can program and secure an external router. Fee: $30.00. Modem programming (if rented or purchased from us) is free of charge. Programming the router or modem does not require a home visit, it can be done over the phone.

  • accounting is carried out on a monthly basis, from the first to the last day of the month. At the beginning of the month, a bill is issued for the entire beginning month.
  • if the customer also uses telephone calls, the charges for Internet and telephone calls are issued on one joint bill.
  • the bill should be paid as soon as possible, no later than the end of the month in order to avoid blocking the Internet. If the bill is not paid by the time a new bill is issued, late payment fees are charged.
  • fee for restoring the Internet blocked due to lack of payment: $50
  • accepted forms of payment: in the bank, Internet banking, credit card, automatic debit from a bank account, check, cash.
  • the service can be activated on any day of the month (i.e. you do not have to wait for the beginning of the month). Fees for the first month will be calculated according to the number of active days in the first month of the service (so-called pro-rated).
  • when deleting the service, the fees for the last month will be calculated according to the number of active days in the last month of the service (so-called pro-rated). However, if the bill has already been issued for the entire last month, a credit will be issued for unused days of the last month of the service.


In the event of a move, the Internet must be deleted in the previous location and then reinstalled in the new location. The fee for installing the Internet in a new location is the same as installing a new Internet. In order to maintain the continuity of the Internet in the new location, please inform us at least 7 days before moving.

  • there is no long-term contract.
  • service can be deleted at any time.
  • if the modem was rented, it should be returned within 30 days after the end of using the service. The fee for an unreturned modem is the same as the purchase price of a new modem. If no filters were returned: $5.00 /filter.


Home Phone

Answer 1


Answer 2

Long Distance

Answer 1


Answer 2


Other Services

There are many types of telephone services in the Canadian market. In general, the following types are distinguished:

  • Calling Cards – you must first call the switchboard (local number). When the control panel answers, you must enter the Card number, then the secret code (PIN), and only then the telephone number where you want to call. Calling cards are usually prepaid and come in various denominations ($5 – $50).

  • Other “call switchboard first” – Similar to calling cards, but usually you don’t need to enter a Card number or PIN. The line number from which the call is being made (CallerID) is used by the PBX to recognize the client. This number must be pre-programmed on the control panel in order to start ringing.

  • Codes – sometimes called “Casual Calling”. You have to dial a seven-digit code before each phone number. This type is faster than the previous two, because you do not have to wait for the switchboard before it picks up, the phone number is dialed right after the code. Codes allow you to have phone lines registered with one phone company, but call “occasionally” using another company’s service (with lower rates).

  • Direct Calling – The fastest and most convenient type of calling, this is sometimes called “Equal Access” or “1+” calling. You don’t need to dial any additional numbers or codes, just the phone number where you are calling (1+ for North America, or 011+ for other countries). This type requires the most advanced technology and is usually offered by large companies. To use this type, you must first register your lines with the telephone company (often referred to as “changing the telephone company”). Direct Calls are preferred by most customers.

Poltel Communications offers Direct Calls for convenience and speed, and Codes for those who do not want to change their telephone company.

There are a lot of phone companies in Canada. They offer different types of service and it is often very difficult to compare their rates. Most of the “not much advertised” details are found only in the “fine print”. Here are some general tips on how to compare different offers:

  • Choose the type of service that suits you (described above) and when comparing the rates of different companies, make sure that they refer to the same type. Poltel: Direct Calls and Codes.

  • Sometimes the advertised rates are very low, but companies charge extra for the connection (e.g. $1-$2 extra for each call), for the first minute (e.g. 50% more for the first minute), for account maintenance (e.g. accounting, sending bills) , for monthly payments (e.g. when the bill is below a certain amount), or for other things. Poltel: no extra charges, you only pay for the number of minutes you call multiplied by the rate of the country you are calling.

  • Some companies offer lower rates for normal voice calls and higher rates for sending faxes (only advertising lower rates). Faxes cannot be sent using voice calls and rates, possibly due to reduced call quality, unsuitable for fax data transmission. Poltel: same voice and fax rates, same high quality voice and fax.

  • Some companies offer lower rates in the evenings and on Saturdays and Sundays, and higher rates during normal working days and hours (only advertising lower rates). Poltel: same rates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Some companies count the call time in full minutes, while others with an accuracy of 6 seconds (from 1 minute or 30 seconds minimum). While 6 sec. accuracy is generally better than 1 minute, the true cost of a call depends on the basic minute rate and the length of the call (where the longer the call the better to have a lower minute rate than better time counting accuracy). Poltel: low basic minute rates, talk time in full minutes.

  • Sometimes advertised rates are low, but only available after signing a long-term contract with the phone company. Poltel: no long-term contracts to sign, you can cancel at any time.

Many other things can be taken into account when comparing different companies, including customer service in the native language, presence in the local environment, other service offerings, etc.

We usually need about 1-2 working days to activate code lines, and about 3-5 working days for Direct Calls.

No, there are no fees to activate lines and start using our service.


No, you do not need to change the company, the lines will remain registered with the current telephone company (this company will not even know that you are using our service). You just need to give us your line numbers so we can program our Codes service accordingly.

In most countries, there are special phone numbers that cost more to call. Most often these are mobile numbers where the caller (and not the recipient) pays for airtime. A list of special numbers in each country can be provided.


Poltel Communications and My Free Telecom are branches of the same company VSOFT Inc. My Free Telecom offers free calls throughout the GTA (around Toronto), while Poltel Communications offers competitive and low-cost calls to other destinations not covered by My Free Telecom’s free service. By offering free calls to as many destinations as we can afford, we can save our customers even more on phone calls.